Friday, April 5, 2013

Victoria street downtown is a vibrant core street with trees, flower pots, and brick sidewalks. this street demands a lot of attention and is a very popular place in Kamloops. Victoria st Main starts at 1st Ave and continues until 5th Ave where the street turns from 2 lanes into 4 lanes and the feel of the vibrant core street is diminished. The sketch on the right is a continuation of the street to make it feel more apart of the main street. The Scketch on the bottom is one that shows some infill on what is now a parking lot. the scketch I designed is a draft of a mixed use building that has store frontage, a parking lot on the second level and office space above.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

** According to Planning and development manager Randy Lambright, urban infill is on the rise, especially secondary suites and carriage houses, which saw notable increases following the establishment of regulations more specific to carriage houses and garden suites two years ago.

" I can definitely say there's been an increase in applications the last few years ," said Lambright, and that includes all types of multi-family housing, from secondary suites straight through larger townhouse and apartment-style complexes.

Article by: Jennifer Stahn, Info Tel Multimedia. Mar25 2013 - Urban Infill on the Rise.

The Growth Management Cycle describes the stages a region, area or neighborhood undergoes as it developes. This cycle is never ending and can also work in reverse which could negatively impact the surrounding communities.

Image: Karri Loadman, BA, MPLAN
Hey everyone! just a quick question, if you live in Kamloops whats two things you would change about downtown and whats two things that you like about it?